overlapping arguments
lack of respect for other's opinions or beliefs
passive aggressiveness
unwanted advice
over tabooing normal things
extreme conservative behavior
that bitch bartender where I work at
the sound of over exited crickets
insistent miss-communication
 people telling me how to raise my kid
people pitying me for having a toddler
the mixture of narcissism and low self-esteem
guests that ask me to split their check at the end of their meal
managers that roll their eyes at me for asking them to do their job
absurd feminists
absurd mysogynists
political fanatism
extreme atheists
extreme catholics
people that ask too many questions at movies
people that try too hard to find a partner ( obssesion with pick-up sites, seducing 101, psychologic games)
dating language
that dick toddler that bullies my kid
people that read poetry and say " I don't get it, what's the point? why don't you just say what you mean directly?!" 
people that say art is useless
people that say artists are pretentious
the bass excess of reggaetoneros

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