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I wrote about my first kiss with Josiah, a.k.a joey. my first boyfriend so I might as well describe him.

he's a 24 year old slender guy, his skin is pale and translucent. He has short thick hair that can't be combed down, and it nuances in patches of dark brown and mahoganny red when the sun hits.  He has litle hair on his face, but he wears it proudly. Somehow, his beard and mustache hair is ginger-like. We have no idea why. His face is slim, jis jaw line is slightly pronounced, yet his face is mostly rounded. His skin always looks tired, specially the bags under his eyes which are always purple. Like a tim Burton character. 
His eyes are something else.
They're big and dark brown almost black, and I have yet to find someone that won't be transfixed staring at them.
Staring into Joey's deep irises is like looking into space, into a black hole. It's entrancing. His stare just goes on and on, hypnotically, you always feel like he's reading your thoughts.
There's no other way to describe his nose, but jew. it's somewhat long, with the lump. his lips are full but thin and always lightly pink. His smile is devious, his mouth stretches to reveal a full set of braces-fixed-coffee stained teeth.
He's a muscular guy, a little hunched at times. Measures around 5'11 and weights around 150 pounds. his neck has skin lines under his jaw and it's slightly curved frontly because of his incessant reading. his legs are toned and his arms are a little too long. His waist is tight and his hips are pronounced. He's overall a strange character, he doesn't have normal proportions.

11/4/2013 11:03:31 am

INCLUDE A PICTURE! I'm dying to see what Joey looks like in real life, I'm envisioning a cartoon-like figure. PS. Best descriptive words I've read in a while. Loved the blog post (As usual)


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